Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Response to Wreck-It Ralph

Live Blog:

I love this movie!

It is interesting because the villain in the video game is the main protagonist and eventually the hero. I love the Bad-anon. All the villains from the arcade games get together to talk about their feelings. It shows that the villains have more than one side to them. Even though they can’t change their programming and become good guys, they don’t see themselves as bad guys. “I’m bad and that’s good. I will never be good and that’s not bad. There is no one I would rather be than me”


The first time I saw this movie, I remember thinking that it was such a creative and novel idea. I still think it is a really cool concept. It’s really interesting how the quality of animation shifts between characters and arcade games.

The people in the game who live in the apartment complex are so mean to Ralph. “You’re just the bad guy who wrecks the building”

“Negatory” “Does that mean maybe?” Haha

Wreck It Ralph may be the first Disney movie with a strong woman who leads men. Sergeant Calhoun is characterized as just as if not more fearless and capable than the men she leads. However, Disney still objectifies women’s bodies through Sergeant Calhoun’s suit.


This movie blends the line between hero and villain and how we as an audience define each one. Ralph was the one who caused the Zi Bug to infiltrate Sugar Rush and lead to the infection of Sugar Rush. However, he also saved the game from Turbo and let Vanellope rise to power in her deserved position.

“Are you a hobo?”
I love Vanellope and all of her funny comments! She is so cute!

All the racers are girls. This works to get rid of the stereotype that only guys are supposed to be racers.

Ralph also knocks over innocent bystanders in the stands of the track. This  further confuses his role as either a hero or a villain.

I feel like every character in this movie has multiple sides. In earlier Disney movies, characters were portrayed as very one sided: either good or bad. However, in this movie, characters are portrayed as having multiple sides. They have a mixture of both good and bad aspects. Ralph helps Vanellope build a cart and stops the other racers from bullying her but then he betrays.

Not only does this movie challenge the definition of a villain but it also differs on its portrayal of heroes. Fix-It Felix is not the stereotypical male hero. He is not tall or muscular but he is selfless and courageous.

Wreck-It Ralph also differs from other Disney movies in that it focuses on characters’ back stories like Sergeant Calhoun’s tragic wedding and Ralph’s 30 years of being treated badly. It explains why characters act the way they do.

King Candy/Turbo ends up being the villain in the end. Unlike previous Disney villains, the audience does not know that the character is villain until the later part of the second half of the movie.

At the end of the movie, I still not exactly sure who falls in the hero category and who in the villain. However, I think that is the point. No one fits inside the social categories we have made for the world.


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