Friday, February 3, 2017

In response to "Disney Countdown"

I watched the movie Hercules for the first time in a long time this past week. Although I remembered the characters, songs, and storyline, I felt like I was hearing the subtle jokes and references to pop culture for the first time. I realized that my love for Hercules had never faded, and I have come to appreciate it even more, especially because of Meg.
The “Disney Countdown” article by Blake Taylor identifies many of the movie’s characteristics that make the movie so great. Taylor mentions the iconic songs, “tongue-in-cheek” humor, CGI animation, bright colorful gods, and unconventional characters. Taylor discusses Meg, the unconventional female love interest, further by saying “rather than a perky, graceful princess, Meg is a cynical, sarcastic heroine.” This type of female character was unprecedented in earlier Disney movie such as Snow White, Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty, and Beauty and the Beast. Meg’s character could be a response to the criticism that Disney movies portray women as not independent, antifeminist, and simply conforming to men’s wishes. Although Hercules and Meg do end up together in the end, it was by no means love at first sight.

(Image courtesy of

During Meg’s first scene in the movie, she is being harassed by a centaur river guardian. Hercules over hears their argument and comes to save the day. However, Meg introduces us to her independent and comical character with the lines from above. She was not about to let some guy handle her problems.

Shortly after Hercules defeats the centaur river guardian, Meg expresses her feminist ideals to Hercules. She explains that the river guardian was just like all other men: “Well, you know how men are. They think that ‘no’ means ‘yes’ and ‘get lost’ means ‘Take me. I’m yours.” She does not do something simply because a man tells her to. She believes women should be respected and treated as equals.

(Image courtesy of

After Hercules offers to give Meg a ride on Pegasus, Meg responds by saying, “I’m a big tough girl. I tie my own sandals and everything.” Meg’s independence and feminist attitude really shine through in these lines. She is confident, takes care of herself, and does not need favors from men.

Meg’s character was funny and entertaining. More importantly though, she deviates from the normal heroine female figure in Disney movies. Her independence and feminist ideals are inspiring and send a positive message to young children watching the movie. Young girls learn that they don’t need to ask a guy for help, can be independent, and most importantly do not have to conform to norms set by other Disney movies.

As I was watching the movie I began to wish that Meg would be in the next scene because her character was so sarcastic and entertaining. As I reflect on my experience, maybe the reason I wished Meg would be on the screen was because she transformed the role of the female love interest in Disney movies. I now have a new appreciation for Meg and the movie as a whole.

("Disney Countdown" article)

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